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horoscope for Scorpio
There are some mixed messages this week but also a need to work to find a balance between the two. On the one hand, while Mars' last full week in your work sector was always going to make this a busy week, an alignment with the dwarf planet Eris on Monday and Tuesday could make this even more extreme. As the warrior prince and princess of the cosmos come together, this will fire up your warrior and competitive spirit while creating even more urgency. This gets a busy week off to a busy start but as things will ease back from next week, this is something you need to take advantage of. This will need to be balanced with the Sun's first full week in an adventurous part of your chart and Neptune's retrograde in a playful part on Tuesday. This will be further enhanced by Wednesday's New Moon. Yet with the Moon returning to your career sector on Friday, in time to make the most of Mars' last weekend in your work sector, your challenge will be to find a balance between work and play this week.