Love + Romance

Horoscope for Aries
Take note, it's important under present circumstances, to try and avoid disagreements with your lover. You're advised to rethink your position - one more time – to be on the safe side! Accusations made in haste and heated discussions lead to unnecessary stress that swamps your partner. Be gentle with your lover and yourself and importantly remain objective and fair! - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Taurus
Again and again you prove you've great diplomatic skill. You're settling quarrels or dealing with an on-going upset in your relationship – you definitely have the right personal approach! You should spend as much time as you can with your lover, the person you care about most. If you're living alone, you've a great chance to change this now. Simply be a little courageous! - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Gemini
Being fair-minded about your own interests and those of your lover will bring about mutual respect; especially if you live in a long-term relationship, you're able to make the necessary compromises that will stand the test of time. If you're single the chances of success are good too, thanks to your confident appearance you make a lasting impression on those you meet. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Cancer
Any extreme resentment won't do your love life any good. If your relationship is unduly stressed with needless tussles and your attitude alienates your partner. Control yourself a bit more! If you're single, it's possible such brusque conduct works quite well - to pick someone up. But nobody will want to stay around you for too long, if you continue to behave like this. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Leo
You're able to positively resolve long standing matters with your lover before they intensify any further. If you've been in a relationship for a prolonged period, you might want to think about making it permanent. If you're single the next date - could be a crucial one. Whether it results in a proposal of marriage or a new relationship – love and romance are on the agenda! - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Virgo
Your love life can be unfavourably affected by your deeply passionate feelings, which could easily cause tension and clashes with your partner. Alternatively, you might find that love-making can be a great help in easing the situation between you, but any arguments that might possibly be on-going are best left till later. Ultimately conflicts can't be resolved by sex alone. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Libra
Put some energy into your romantic life and make an effort to be happy in your relationship. Listen carefully when your lover speaks to you. Don't unnecessarily put at risk what you've built together over the years! Try to utilize your enhanced energy to keep up the erotic tension between you. Surprise your lover, let them how spontaneous and original you can be. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Scorpio
You're not behaving very diplomatically and your lover is feeling the full effects of your dismissive attitude. Be more considerate and allow others to express their point of view as well. Your stubbornness and bossiness tends to bug your partner and they feel exasperated. If single approach matters less-hastily, thoughtfulness often gets you further than obstinacy. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Sagittarius
Your ability to flirt has never been better; it's time to strut your stuff! If you're single make use of your appeal and keep your eyes open for romantic opportunities. With such confidence, you draw attention to yourself and are quite a catch. If in a relationship, luck is on your side too; you charm your lover even though the circumstances are not as good as they might be. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Capricorn
You would like to change a lot of things. But you run the risk of making your lover feel confused. You're sticking to your principles with all your pent up frustration; instead show your partner you need them, take a walk together or give each other a comforting massage. If you're single use a more restrained approach, otherwise you could easily appear rather foolish. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Aquarius
You're irresistible, sociable and outgoing, you've got the ability to respond well to people you find attractive. It's great to have a lover like you, who has the right attitude, knows how to handle a relationship and has a big heart. You won't be alone for too long. Your relationship could easily turn into a happy partnership and ultimately becomes even happier for you. - by your best friend astrologer

Horoscope for Pisces
You're getting on very well with those you care about most and it appears you have a lot of positive influence on other people you meet as well. Even if from time to time, you and your lover seem to disagree, you're both able to easily find compromises. Make sure that the romantic side of your relationship is not being overlooked or even completely forgotten. - by your best friend astrologer